IND - Intimate Notion Dream
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Center Noordung, Vitanje12.04.2024

EVENT on the occasion of a visit on 12. April 2024 to the Noordung Centre of space technologies in Vitanje (Slovenia) by the group of enthusiasts, architects, scientists and artists organised by the “Stazione Rogers” from Trieste (Italy) in collaboration with the Noordung Centre as part of the “Abitare HUB” project.

Raj X Tot presents a lecture:

HUMAN SPACE IN WEIGHTLESSNESS - a synthetic reflection on the dance of architectural prototypes and the psycho-physical changes in gravity-free space.

The talk is on evolution and research for habitability in the space with the absence of gravity with a video-presentation Words free Orbital Sea as a propitiatory dance of architectural prototypes, orbital theatres (Ottovolante, Panorama, Terraxterra and Trabicolo) and orbital cities (Cilindrica, Spiralica and Conica) designed in the 1990s, to meditate and contemplate a possible inhabitable future. Animations are done by Primož Špacapan. (The music for the video is from 2019 and is part of the Konstrans, spontaneous and contemplative chants or mantras.)

ABITARE HUB - Library, Stanza del cosmo e dell’invisibile > Tavolo tematico COSMO
Stazione Rogers
venerdì 12 aprile 2024
Center of Space Technologies Herman Potočnik Noordung
Vitanje, Slovenia
ph. g. peteani
Raj Per Tot, architetto/artista audiovisivo, “Lo spazio umano in assenza di gravità” riflessione sintetica sulla danza di prototipi architettonici e sui mutamenti psico-fisici nello spazio privo di forza di gravità e Antonio Giacomin, creative technologist, "Lo spazio immaginato, lo spazio creato - Tecnologie immersive e BCI" le tecniche e le tecnologie per creare spazi immersivi.
“Entanglements! Su cosmo e cosmismo. Dialoghi di un fisico e di un lirico” incontro con Margherita De Michiel,Università degli Studi di Trieste e Claudia Daffara, Università degli Studi di Verona.
Con la partecipazione straordinaria dell'Astrofisica Francesca Matteucci. Membro dell'Accademia dei Lincei, Professore Emerito dell'Università degli Studi di Trieste
in collaborazione con:
Quadrato Culturale T.E.T.R.I.S.S. / CASA C.A.V.E.
progetto promosso organizzato da
associazione Stazione E.N. Rogers
direzione scientifica
Giovanni Fraziano
realizzato con il contributo della
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
in partenariato con
Università degli Studi di Trieste
SISSA Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste
ICTP International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico, Pordenone
Center of Space Technologies Herman Potočnik Noordung,
Vitanje, Slovenia


VR Point - V-F-X Ljubljana
Kinoteka, Ljubljana11.05.2023

RAJ X TOT and Antonio Giacomin: Journey Into the Universe of Consciousness

V-F-X Ljubljana
VR Point
11 – 14 May 2023
Slovenian Cinematheque, Miklošičeva 28, Ljubljana (museum lecture room)
Thursday, 11 May 2023, 7.30 pm (Presentation of the interactive multimedia VR installation)
Friday – Sunday, 12 – 14 May 2023, from 2 pm to 7 pm (individual view with VR glasses)
Free admission

RAJ X TOT and Antonio Giacomin: Journey Into the Universe of Consciousness

The project is an interactive multimedia art installation as well as an educational event. Visitors can place brain sensors on their foreheads and then use VR glasses to witness a three-dimensional video that tells the story of the journey of the sphinx who, as the keeper of knowledge, explores the core of its being through a 3D fight into the realm of its dreams. At the same time, the front sensor reads the brain wave frequency signals, which are then translated into a graphic image with precisely defined parameters via the (BCI) Brainwave Computer Interface, a specially adapted computer software. These video brain maps, which will also be available for purchase after the VR experience, reflect the viewers various states of meditation, concentration and movement and various cognitive, psychophysical and emotional states.

More about the project

The project won the competition held by the Center for Creativity of the Ministry of Culture RS with funds from the European Regional Development Fund; produced by Rosa Production in collaboration with the Herman Potočnik Noordung Center of Space Technologies.

VR Point is SCCA-Ljubljana’s programme for the promotion and distribution of VR and AR creativity. It is part of the Open Videosphere project, which is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture.

The exhibition is part of the festival of experimental video and film V-F-X Ljubljana in Slovenian Cinematheque.

Production: SCCA-Ljubljana/DIVA Station
Co-production: Slovenian Cinematheque
Supported by: Ministry of Culture RS, City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture


Brain Maps - Double Room - exhibition
DoubleRoom Arti Visive, Trieste / Trst27.10.2022


Installation by Raj Per Tot, audiovisual artist-architect and Antonio Giacomin, video designer

Thursday 27 to Sunday 30 October, xx to yy p.m. - Double Room gallery, Trieste

The brain maps on display are taken from the interactive multimedia art installation "Journey into the Universe of Consciousness" held from Oct. 14. to Oct. 23 2022 at the Stazione Rogers gallery in Tieste. The project addresses the individual's intimate desire to acquire new knowledge and discover new feelings about themselves, the world and the universe. In a broader sense, it offers an innovative expressive solution on the intersection of science and art. The visitors of the installation using VR glasses immersed themselves in a three-dimensional journey telling the story of the sphinx who, as the keeper of knowledge, explores the core of its being through a flight into the realm of its dreams. During the journey the forhead sensor detected the frequency signals of brain waves and translated them into graphic images thus revealing differrent states of meditation, concentration, movement, psychophysical and emotional states, etc. These video maps of brain activity were projected simultaneously onto synaptic sails and placed on display for other visitors.

Il progetto "Viaggio nell'universo della consapevolezza" è stato scelto al concorso presso il Centro per la creatività del Ministero della Cultura Sloveno, è prodotto dalla Rosa Production con il Centro delle tecnologie spaziali Herman Potočnik Noordung.

Journey into the Universe of Consciousness

Stazione Rogers - Brain Maps (videos) for the exibithion in Double Room

Links on Vimeo:


01 - 25.

26 - 50

51 - 75.


Photos of the event:

Community HUB - Journey into the Universe of Consciousness, installation
Stazione Rogers, Trieste / Trst14.10.2022


riti, miti e nuovi dei tra presente e futuro

settembre, ottobre 2022

progetto promosso e realizzato da associazione Stazione E.N.Rogers - direzione scientifica Giovanni Fraziano

Friday 14 to Friday 21 October, 6 to 9 p.m. - Stazione Rogers, Trieste


installation by Raj Per Tot, audiovisual artist-architect and Antonio Giacomin, video designer

The journey responds to the individual's intimate desire to acquire new knowledge and perceptions of himself, of the world and the universe, through an innovative expressive device at the crossroads of art and science. An interactive multimedia art installation in which visitors equipped with brain sensors and using VR glasses will follow a three-dimensional video made of unusual and unexpected artificial places and landscapes. The frontal sensor will read the frequency signals of the brain waves and translate them into graphic images (real video maps of the brain), thus reflecting the different states of meditation, concentration and movement, the psychophysical and emotional states of the subject.

Il progetto "Viaggio nell'universo della consapevolezza" è stato scelto al concorso presso il Centro per la creatività del Ministero della Cultura Sloveno, è prodotto dalla Rosa Production con il Centro delle tecnologie spaziali Herman Potočnik Noordung.

LOKA Fest - Raj X Tot, concert
Zavrhek, Vremski Britof, Slovenija5.08.2022

Raj X Tot in concert at LOKA festival - with the videographic images done by Elena Perco

WORDS FREE ORBITAL SEACenter Noordung, Vitanje, 2024 WORS FREE ORBITAL SEA - youtube link The video is a propitiatory dance of architectural prototypes, orbital theatres (Ottovolante, Panorama, Terraxterra and Trabicolo) ... TIME ZEROVitanje, Center Noordung, 2022 TIME ZERO (ČAS NIČ, ORA ZERO) Concert performance or prologue about the transformation of man into a cosmic being A cosmic being is a concentrate of space, trapped ... Journey Into the Universe of ConsciousnessVitanje, Center Noordung 20, 2021 The JOURNEY INTO THE UNIVERSE OF CONSCIOUSNESS is the coordination of different states of perception as the basic principle of movement and of life in a fractal ... ONLINESTrieste 16,17,18,19..., 2018 ONLINES Onlines are hidden trails of the subconscious, which are drawn in the ether by Rajxtot every week since February 8, 2016. Every drawing becomes a Linear ... Mitokons 1 - LET SFINGE, concertTrieste, (2018/19/20), 2017 I. Mitokons 1 - LET SFINGE (The Flight of the Sphinx) CONCERT concept ... II. Let Sfinge - Lyrics: Raj Kraljev Introspection - three questions ... KONSONGS and The Trinity ConceptTrieste, Sveto, 2016 KONSONGS Writing konsongs is our primordial way of sending creative messages. Konsongs are spatial songs speaking about the synchronicity between the dweller and the ... CLARISM - The Starting PointLjubljana - Sveto (1996-2015), 2015 CLARISM The age of great discoveries is coming.The new revolution is evolution.The new temptation is mutation.The main relation is clear comunication. The SELF The ... KONSTRANS Trieste, Sveto, 2014 KONSTRANS At the beginning it was the Idea. And from then on, everything is merging into it. This beginning is timeless. Every manifested thought is a specific ... LET SFINGE-The Flight of the Sphinx, CD&conceptBarcelona-Ljubljana(2010-13), 2013 I. THE PROJECT - LET SFINGE (The Flight of the Sphinx) CD and Concept Let ... II. Closed web page and the first performing concept ... MOBILITAS MODULARISLjubljana, IND, 2013 THE MODULAR MOBILITY Mobilitas modularis - performans videoMobile module as an articulated being in motionModular mobility is a system or a way of reading different ... Raj The BlogNew York, 2011 RAJ THE BLOG In spring of 2011 I was proposed for an art residence at Apexart, a non-profit cultural organisation & gallery in New York City, by the Lithuanian ... IND Home - Studio 2Ljubljana (2008-13), 2008 IND Home studio II. - project: Raj X Tot (Raj Per Tot) Between 2008 and 2013 the IND laboratory, that we projected on Tržaška 2 in Ljubljana, was the main Home of ... I.N.D. project - monumental trans concertLjubljana, 2007 I. web page I.N.D. project II. Concept's sketches for the IND project DNA Structure - 60 Young ImagesTrieste, 2005 IND Home - Studio 1, Revolutions 4Ljubljana (1989-2001), 2001 The Beauty of NothingMaribor, Ljubljana, 2000 I. RAJ KRALJEV presents a performing lecture THE BEAUTY OF NOTHING The ... II. The Partiture of the Beauty of Nothing Raj Kraljev videopresentation 1999 TransActionLjubljana, 1998 SynchrohomeLjubljana, 1998 Radar - TV set design for Studio CityLjubljana, 1997 Homoscope and The Spirit of HalftimeMaribor, 1996 I. THE SPIRIT OF HALFTIME The responsibility to oneself is a fundamental ... II. The internet site of the project (in Slovene) THE SPIRIT OF HALFTIME Naked Raj - performance for one personLjubljana, 1996 Action 1Ljubljana, 1996 Raj Kraljev - The Book of ThoughtsLjubljana, 1995 I. Raj Kraljev - The Book of Thoughts II. RAJ KRALJEV - Avatar's Manifesto and Concept of the sign Raj ... Orbital CitiesLjubljana, 1994 Venteater – Space TheatresAntwerpen-Gent, 1993 Trabicolo 1993 Space TheatresLjubljana, 1992 "Flying Eight" Space StageMoscow, 1992 The iconic sculpture - concept of the Flying Eight Space Stage - The article explaining basic principles of an orbital cosmic theatre was published in the slovenian ... Parking CitiesLjubljana, 1991 Flying TheatresLondon, 1990 Planetary Microorganisms and PortraitsTrieste, 1978