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RAJ X TOT - interwiew, TV Koper/RTV SLO 1
Koper - Capodistria14.11.2023
Welcome to the interview "Raj X Tot architect, scenographer and audiovisual artist" on S-prehodi (Gateways) on TV Koper and TV Slovenia 1 - It's a brief outline in slovenian of me and my work in a conversation moderated by Elena Husu.
Brain Maps - Double Room - exhibition, articoli
DoubleRoom Arti Visive, Trieste / Trst27.10.2022
INFO page, Energy of Spaces (L'Energia dei Luoghi )- About Brain Maps exhibition
Community HUB - PvVZ exhibition, newspapers articles
Stazione Rogers, Trieste / Trst14.10.2022
Newspaper articles from the end of August till the end of October 2022 covering the project Commeunity Hub with the exhibition of the project (PvVZ - Potovanje v vesolje zavesti) Journey into the Universe of Consciousness at the architects' exhibition place Stazione Rogers in Trieste.
Press conference 24.08.2022, Stazione Rogers, Trieste
IL PICCOLO - Trieste daily newspaper
PRIMORSKI DNEVNIK - slovenian daily newspaper, Trieste
The Body in the Space
Barcelona, Zibaldone, Radio Contrabanda13.11.2020
The Body in tthe Space: Dance, performance, architecture
Zibaldone - radio transmission 13.XI,2020, Radio Contrabanda, Barcelona
Interview by Steven Forti: Raj Per Tot - The Journey Into the Universe of Mind and Let sfinge (The Flight of the Sphinx)
Let Sfinge - Il giornale della Musica
Italia (March 2014)1.03.2014
Article presenting the project Let Sfinge (The Flight of the Sphinx) in the Italian monthly musical newspaper Il giornale della Musica (March 2014)